Foxridge Community
What's New
President's Corner
Member Letter
QR Code-Payment
Board of Directors
Welcome To Our Community
Next Meeting
Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
Treasurer's Report
Foxridge Rules
Find Contacts
Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out

Are you a member?  

      Our base membership is just $50.00 yearly and does so much for Foxridge and its residents.  Remember; by taking pride in our community and the beauty of our neighborhoods, we can maintain higher property values.

Our base membership cost has not increased since 2016! What a Deal!

Why should I pay my annual $50.00 membership fee?


There are over 89 islands in our neighborhood, and in order to maintain these islands we hire a tree company to come and trim all the palm trees plus secure a lawn service to keep the islands well manicured, in our neighborhood..

Our costs for maintaing the Islands in our neighborhood has increased!  We have contracted with BBB Lawn Service to maintain our Islands. 

We publish and pay for a neighborhood newsletter to keep you informed of what's going on in the neighborhood, and community.

In 2023, we spent $11,800 on trimming the Palm Trees in our neighborhood and we have a monthly contract to maintain our islands.  These expenditures help make the Foxridge Neighborhood stand apart from other neighborhoods!

We have a website that is useful in viewing upcoming activities, Garden Club activities, what's new, safety, and get contact info for board members, etc!!  Tell your neighbors what they're missing!

All of the above mentioned are made possible by the great volunteers and neighbors we have in Foxridge!

Please send in your dues the first of each year.   

You may make check payable to FCA and mail to:

Foxridge Civic Association (FCA)
P. O. Box 65815
Orange Park, Florida 32065

Or you can pay on your Mobile Device using the QR code!



What's New
President's Corner
Member Letter
QR Code-Payment
Board of Directors
Welcome To Our Community
Next Meeting
Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
Treasurer's Report
Foxridge Rules
Find Contacts
Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out