Foxridge Community
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Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
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Basic Lawn Maintenance
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out
Neighborhood Safety
     Our Foxridge Neighborhood should be pleased to know that our community is being protected by the Clay County Sheriff Office and in a community with low crime.   Officer Dean Jones from the Community Relations Unit reported that there were 3 bulglaries, 2 auto, and 1 residence crime last year.   He emphasizes three key issues to safeguare property.
  1.   Lock cars
  2.   Keep garage door closed
  3.   Don't leave bicycles in the yard
  • Any concerns or suspicious activity should be reported to the Sheriff's office at the non-emergency number 264-6512.
  • Curfew for teenagers 17 and under is 11 P.M.

Vacation Security Checklist:


  1. Ask someone to check your house periodically:  
  2. Double check window and door locks before leaving:
  3. Arrange to have mail deliveries stopped or picked up by a neighbour:
  4. Place timers on your lights.
  5. Leave a number with a neighbour where you can be reached on your trip
  6. Update your home inventory of your personal items and keep it in a safe place.
National Night Out: An annual community building campaign that promotes police and community partnerships and neighbourhood camaraderie to make our neighbourhoods safer, better places to live.   The state of Florida recommends the date of Tuesday, October 6th, for that event.
     Last years event included a Jump house, fire truck, face painting, and handouts.   Pizza and drinks were provcided by the association.


Clay County Sherrif Office Crime Watch Report:

CCSO Crimewatch
What's New
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Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
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Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out