Foxridge Community
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Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
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Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out
Our next National Night Out is tentatively set for October 1, 2019.     

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
October 2nd 2018
  • Special thanks to St Giles Presbyterian Church for letting our HOA use their facilities to host this event.
  • Special thanks to Orange Enviromental for donating the spraying of the lawn at St Giles before the event.
  • Special thanks to St. Johns River State Colledge for participating in the NNO event bringing their criminal justice academy's wrapped car and educational information.
  • Special thanks to Skip the Balloon Guy for his time  and entertainment:  The children loved the balloon animals.  




October the 3rd 2017

We had a great turn out from our local law enforcement and fire department.

Special Thanks:   

     Young Foxridge Resident presents officer with a homemade birdfeeder.

Face Painting and even some adults got involved:  Thanks Judy



              Special thanks to the K 9 Unit for such a great demonstration.

What's New
President's Corner
Member Letter
QR Code-Payment
Board of Directors
Welcome To Our Community
Next Meeting
Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
Treasurer's Report
Foxridge Rules
Find Contacts
Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out