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 We will work on getting the most recent minutes updated to this site ASAP!

JANUARY 2013 MINUTES - Judy Snyder

JANUARY 2014 MINUTES - Judy Snyder

MARCH 2014 MINUTES - Judy Snyder

JANUARY 29 2015 MINUTES - Judy Snyder

March 31 2015 MINUTES - Judy Snyder

October 13,2015 Minutes - Judy Snyder

January 26, 2016 General Minutes - Judy Snyder

July 26, 2016 General Minutes - Judy Snyder

January 26, 2017 General Minutes-Judy Snyder

                             2018 General Meetings

January 21, 2018 General Meeting - Judy Snyder

March 22, 2018 General Meeting Minutes - Judy Snyder

June 20, 2018 General Meeting Minutes-Judy Snyder

September 26, 2019 General and Board Meeting Minutes-Judy Snyder

                               2019 General Meetings

January 23, 2019 General Meeting

April 10, 2019 General Meeting

Board Minutes:

Board Meeting February 12, 2016


Board Meeting May 5, 2017


Board Meeting Novembe 16, 2018

Board Meeting November 9, 2018

Board Meeting June 18, 2018

Board Meeting August 22, 2018

General and Board Meetings for 2020

Board Meeting February 20, 2020



February 20, 2020





The Quarterly Meeting of the Foxridge Civic Association was called to order by President Walt Gallahan at 7 PM at the St. Giles Church.


Present were:


Walt Gallahan, President

Bill Holcombe, Vice President

Sharon Warfuel , Treasurer

Judy Snyder, Secretary


The president opened the meeting and introduced vice President Bill Holcombe.


The Vice President gave a safety briefing including the location of the first Aid Kit, the AED, the Restrooms and Emergency Exit locations.


The President introduced Treasurer Sharon Warfuel who gave the Treasurer’s report indicating current balances, expenses and proposed 2020 expenses to include Palm tree Pruning and Island Maintenance. The report is on file.


The President reported that they were exploring cost estimates for the Palm Tree care.


The President introduced Secretary Judy Snyder who read the minutes of the last General meeting. 


The President then announced that the Vice President will oversee the “Yard of the Month” competition and the winning home will receive free Association membership for 2020.


Jim Antonelli conducted the election of the 2020 slate of Officers.  He announced the nominations of the following:


Walt Gallahan, for President

Bill Holcombe, for Vice President

Sharon Warfuel , for Treasurer

Judy Snyder, for Secretary


He asked if there were any further nominations from the floor.  There were no further nominations and the nominations were approved.  The following were elected:












Walt Gallahan, President

Bill Holcombe, Vice President

Sharon Warfuel , Treasurer

Judy Snyder, Secretary




Sharon Warfuel announced that she would meet with the attending Bloc Reps at the end of the meeting.


A motion for adjournment was made and seconded.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.





Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                Judy Snyder

Judy Snyder, Secretary

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