Foxridge Community
What's New
President's Corner
Member Letter
QR Code-Payment
Board of Directors
Welcome To Our Community
Next Meeting
Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
Treasurer's Report
Foxridge Rules
Find Contacts
Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out
Recreation Committee:   Looking for volunteers 
     This committee organizes the Easter Egg Hunt and any other activities involving our community. 

Greeting Committee:  Chairman:  Looking for Volunteers

    Visit new families to our community and give them information beneficial to our community.   

Beautification Committee:   Chairman: Bill Holcombe
     Yard of the month -
This program shows our appreciation and also recognizes those homeowners who demonstrate superior effort in maintaining their property, and who as a result positively contribrute to the overall appearance of Foxridge.  

Yard Sale Committee:   Chairman: Sharon Warfuel : - Need volunteers
     This committee sets the two yearly yard sale events and responsible for placing signs and overseeing the events.

Resourch Committee:  Jim Antonelli - Roger Nash - Ron Turner
     This committee was established to report to the Board of Directors and work with Clay County Code Enforcement to ensure our neighborhoor is in compliance with our CCCE guidelines.   

Communit Assistance Committee:  Chairman:  Debbie Gill 
     This committee was established to help fellow homeoners in need.  Our HOA has assisted with yard work for fellow homeowners that have been hospitalized and unable to perform these tasks. 
The HOA has been involved in welness checks of fellow homeowners.  The HOA has helped homeowners with removal of debris.  We have assisted families at need on holidays.  Many residents have also donated time and monies working with this committee.  Our Chairman of this committee has personally helped members of our community. 

What's New
President's Corner
Member Letter
QR Code-Payment
Board of Directors
Welcome To Our Community
Next Meeting
Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
Treasurer's Report
Foxridge Rules
Find Contacts
Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out