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Special Thanks-George Broughton

                                                                                     Thanks to a job well done:

   If anyone has entered the Foxridge neighborhood using the Foxridge entrance, surely knows the islands into Foxridge and onto Circle Ridge look fantastic!

While the Foxridge home owners association has been paying an outside party to update and maintain the 88 plus islands in our neighborhood, those islands on the entrance onto Circle Ridge were recently cleaned, weed barriers placed and mulched by a group of home owners from Circle Ridge Drive known as "Circle Ridge Cares" committee.

George Broughton organized a group of neighbors who participated with donations and or work time to update our entrance islands and those islands entering Circle Ridge.

I would like to thank those all concerned! The islands look great,  And only hope that their effort would inspire others in our neighborhood to work together to make our islands and neighborhood look pristine!

Some of those involved were:
Kathy 2910, Ann 2855, Ron And Samantha 2863, Bary and Toni 2863 David & Jeremiah 2839, Brad & Janet 2838, John 2841, Mike & Wini 2843, EJ (Orange Park Furniture) 2844, Sam 2855 Chris & Jenifer 2915, Bob 2829, Charles & Martha 2900, Cliff & Karen 2830, Justin 2826, Rick 2850, Mike 2856, Rick 2858, Todd 2860, Cliff 2830.

Thanks to all and we apologize if anyone was left off the list.

Walt Gallahan

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