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Sheriff Daniels Walk

January 25, 2018

Thank you Sheriff Daniels:

Sheriff Daniels and staff walked through our Foxridge Community on Thursday January the 25th from Foxridge Road and Stoneridge Ct. going door to door asking our homeowners their concerns.   The Foxridge V. P. asked Sheriff Daniels about the playground equipment that had been removed from the county park.   Sheriff Daniels introduced him to James Householder, Director of Facilities Operations and Maintenance who told the V.P. that the playground equipment had been removed for new equipment to be installed possibly sometime in February.

Sheriff Darryl Daniels is implementing enhanced strategies to reduce crime and engage the community. He and his staff are going door-to-door every month to talk with residents about concerns and issues in their neighborhood.

Our Clay County Sheriff Department was well represented with many personnel in this well organized effort.


Many residents came out to speek with Sheriff Daniels with their concerns.

                                                                                       Two of our Foxridge residents joining Sheriff Daniels on the walk.

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