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A General Meeting and Election was held on March 27, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. at St. Giles Church.

The Treasurer reported our our Balance to date was $19,621.87 with a total of 178 Members paid to date.  Last Year we ended up with a total of approximately 288 members our of 699 households in the Foxridge community.
We hope this number will continue to rise during the year.

During the general meeting, we recieved a number of volunteers that desire to work on new projects during the year that will involve more our our community.

We reported that major expenses were $11,800 to complete the trimming of our palm trees in our islands and removal of 5 Dead Palm trees.

We also moved on from Orange Environmental to BBB Lawn service saving us $200 per month for maintaing our islands which costs $1000 per month to weed and trim our 88 plus islands.

The general election was held and the position of President and Treasurer were vacated by the current encumbents.

Cliff Broughton was elected the position of President and Sean Birchard was elected the Treasurers position.

Judy Snyder was re-elected to Secretary position and Bill Holcombe was re-elected to the Vice President position.

Good Luck to the new board memebers and we hope more people will volunteer in the coming year!

Walt Gallahan



What's New
President's Corner
Member Letter
QR Code-Payment
Board of Directors
Welcome To Our Community
Next Meeting
Yard of the Month
Incentives to dues paying members
Special Thanks-George Broughton
Island Maintenance
Treasurer's Report
Foxridge Rules
Find Contacts
Basic Lawn Maintenance
Neighborhood Safety
Disaster Prepardness
Sheriff Daniels Walk
National Night Out